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Saturday, January 1, 2011

6 Months POST Liberation

Here is a re-cap, and current status, of my Pre-Liberation Symptoms:

Right leg foot drag.....GONE.
Right side weak..........Improving with Physiotherapy.
Poor balance..............Excellent since the procedure.
Drop things................NO Occurrences.
Heat Intolerance........No problem throughout last summer and fall.
Fatigue.......................Able to work a full 8 hour day, then, come home and work on the farms.
Bladder Problems......NO Occurrences.
Numbness left side.....NO Occurrences.
Brain FOG..................Cleared.
Brain Pain..................NO Occurrences.
Double vision.............NO Occurrences.
COLD feet..................Warm, except in -9C weather. HaHa

Also, as I reported earlier, NO SINUS headaches.

I am still seeing my Homeopath, continuing to eat the right foods, and exercise.
Terry Wahls published a great book on the right foods to eat for MS.  Actually, this is good foods for anyone to eat. 
Minding My Mitochondria 2nd Edition: How I overcame secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and got out of my wheelchair.


  1. The Wahls book is great. Good luck on your journey.

  2. Great news on the medical front - what a miracle!

    Could you send me a message with your email address? (I sent you a Christmas note via email and it bounced back.) Thanks!


    Cousin Steve Long from Bowling Green, Ohio
    (my email is
